Saturday, March 26, 2016


Life is beautiful! However life can also be difficult and hard. It is so easy to allow tragedies, disappointments and setbacks to get in our way. Thereby sullying God's sacred posture in our human experience. When Moses had an encounter with God and questioned how he was to identify or describe God to the children of Israel. God replied to Moses:

"I Am Who I Am. Say this to the people of Israel: I Am has sent me to you."

Mirror work has been used for eons to bring people into alignment with their purpose, destiny, and calling. Instead of reciting traditional positive affirmations let's use scripture for backup.

Stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself

•I am God’s child for I am born again of the incorruptible seed of the Word of God which lives and abides forever 1 Pet. 1:23
•I am forgiven all my sins and washed in the blood Eph. 1:7
•I am a new creature II Cor. 5:17
•I am the temple of the Holy Spirit I Cor. 6:19
•I am delivered from the power of darkness and transformed into God’s kingdom Col. 1:13
•I am redeemed from the curse of the law Gal. 3:13
•I am strong in the Lord Eph.6:10
•I am holy and without blame before Him Eph. 1:4
•I am accepted in Christ Eph. 1:6
•I am blessed Deut. 28:1-14
•I am a saint Rom. 1:7
•I am qualified to share in His inheritance Col. 1:12
•I am the head and not the tail.
•I am above only and not beneath Deut. 28:13
•I am victorious Rev. 21:7
•I am dead to sin Rom.6: 2, 11
•I am elect Col. 3:12
•I am loved with an everlasting love Jer. 31:3
•I am established to the end I Cor. 1:8
•I am set free Jn. 8:31-33
•I am circumcised with the circumcision made without hands Col. 2:11
•I am crucified with Christ Gal. 2:20
•I am alive with Christ Eph. 2:5
•I am raised up with Christ and seated in heavenly places Col. 2:12
•I am His faithful follower Eph. 5:1
•I am the light of the world Matt. 5:14
•I am the salt of the earth Matt. 5:13
•I am called of God II Tim. 1:9
•I am brought near by the blood of Christ Eph. 2:13
•I am more than a conqueror Rom. 8:37
•I am in Christ Jesus by His doing I Cor. 1:30
•I am an ambassador for Christ II Cor. 5:20
•I am beloved of God I Thess. 1:4
•I am the first fruits among His creation James 1:18
•I am born of God and the evil one does not touch me I Jn. 5:18
•I am a king and a priest unto God Rev. 1:6
•I am a joint heir with Christ Rom. 8:17
•I am reconciled to God II Cor. 5:18
•I am overtaken with blessings Deut. 28:2
•I am healed by the wounds of Jesus I Pet. 2:24
•I am in the world as He is in heaven I Jn. 4:17
•I am a fellow citizen with the saints of the household of God Eph. 2:19
•I am sealed with the promise of the Holy Spirit Eph. 1:13
•I am complete in Christ Col. 2:10
•I am the apple of my Father’s eye Ps. 17:8
•I am free from condemnation Rom. 8:1
•I am the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ II Cor. 5:21
•I am chosen I Thess. 1:4
•I am firmly rooted, built up, strengthened in the faith and overflowing with thankfulness Col. 2:7

I am a disciple of Christ because

•I have love for others Jn. 13:34-35
•I am built on the foundations of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone Eph. 2:20
•I am a partaker of His divine nature II Pet. 1:4
•I am God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works Eph. 2:10
•I am being changed into His image Phil. 1:6
•I am one in Christ! Hallelujah! Jn. 17:21-23
•I have all my needs met by God according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus Phil. 4:19
•I have the mind of Christ I Cor. 2:16
•I have everlasting life Jn. 6:47
•I have a guaranteed inheritance Eph. 1:14
•I have abundant life Jn. 10:10
•I have overcome the world 1 Jn. 5:4
•I have the peace of God which passes understanding Phil. 4:7
•I have access to the Father by one Spirit Eph. 2:18
•I can do all things through Jesus Christ Phil. 4:13
•I walk in Christ Jesus Col. 2:6
•I press toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of God Phil. 3:14
•I live by the law of the Holy Spirit Rom. 8:2
•I know God’s voice Jn. 10:14
•I show forth His praise I Pet. 2:9
•I always triumph in Christ II Cor. 2:14

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