Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Mardi Gras is officially over in New Orleans. The weather was beautiful and the atmosphere seemed festive. I viewed the parades from the comfort of my living room. The local news stations do an incredible job of live streaming the parades and sights that are not rated X. Our Mardi Gras menu included hot dogs with chili, white beans with sausage, king cake, chips and sodas. We had an enjoyable time. Growing up in New Orleans all we knew were parades and lots of them. We lived one block off of historic St. Charles Avenue so parades were like breathing. What I didn't know as a young child was that not everyone had Fat Tuesday celebrations in their home towns. For most people it was just another Tuesday. My brother Kermit met a tourist today who took a picture with him. No doubt the words on her sign resonated with him as they did with me. Well it was anything but another Tuesday for those of us blessed to live in New Orleans. Yeah ya right!

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Whitney Houston Funeral Service: Stars Come Out in Newark, NJ, to Honor Late Singer

Whitney Houston's mother Cissy only wanted to bring her baby girl home. She only wanted to honor the tradition Whitney grew up in. She had no particular agendas or motives. She only wanted her baby girl to transition in a familiar setting. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever realize without intent that she had arranged the largest Saturday morning church service and alter call ever. I know Whitney is so proud of her mother and she would have changed nothing if given an opportunity. Whitney indicated to her mother days before she transitioned to life after life that she was going to visit her soon. On last Saturday, Cissy Houston reported that on three separate occasions the doorbell of her home rang, but no one was at the door. I think it is safe to say that Whitney did come home and by doing so the entire world went to church this morning. Whitney's transition is a call to each of us to never stop loving someone while in the midst of their struggle. We have to be there for each other . Whitney, I will always love you. Thank you for sharing your gifts with each of us.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Being a child of color in the 1960's and 1970's I had few people on television who looked like me. Additionally, my early school books Fun With Dick and Jane were also void of people who looked like me. I never gave any significant thought to these blatant omissions. Fortunately, I didn't have to look outside of my home or enter into the portals of TV Land to find a beautiful strong woman of color. All I needed to do was look at my mother. She was youthful, intelligent, attractive, and hard working. She was like a mother and big sister rolled up in one. We always had fun. Playing Scrabble, Life, Old Maids, Jacks, Monopoly, Shenanigans, and playing school were part of our regular routine. She had a great figure and watched her caloric intake while exercising daily. Today, as a women in her 70's she is still youthful, intelligent, attractive, and hard working. She is proof that beauty like a flawless diamond has many facets.I love you Ma. I am eternally grateful to you for being everything I needed as a child and as a woman today.

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