As a child, my two brothers and I loved when our sister baked cakes in her Easy Bake Oven. We constantly peeped into the tiny door inspecting the status of our treat when our sister reminded us that it’s not done yet. We were so excited when the palm size pans were removed from the oven and placed on our kitchen table. My brothers and I would say let’s cut it and our sister on cue said it’s not done yet it has to cool. A short time later we said let’s cut it and once again she said it’s not done yet I have to put the icing on. Our perseverance paid off when we gladly ate our bite size cake slices. Not done yet is an apt description of me. I thought by now I would have it all figured out. I thought that after years of regular church attendance, bible study, counseling, self-help books, and numerous spiritual movies [Finger of God, Furious Love, The Secret, The Shift, You Can Heal Your Life, and many others] all aspects of life that placed me in the not done yet category wou
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