On December 31, 2014 I discovered our home network was having problems so as is the routine when your modem and router essentially stop communicating with each other the following steps ensued: unplug devices from their power source and allow them to drain for a few seconds; press the restart button; look for green blinking lights. I worked on both devices until almost 8:00pm and decided to not be pulled into the new year with a problem. Around 1:30am I thought about something I had not tried and my husband quickly went to our home office and tried unplugging the telephone line from each device all to no avail.
On January 1, 2015, I awoke at 8:00am determined to resolve this matter. With a large cup of coffee in hand and a pack of chewing gum I was ready to get to the bottom of the problem. The clock ticked through the day and finally at 5:30pm I contacted the manufacturer of the router. The conversation was circular in nature with the bottom line being if you would pay $29.95 we will give you the technical support needed to possibly remedy your problem. "Your router has to be reconfigured and that might help." I responded to the technician "it might not help and I'll be out of $29.95. I'll contact the warranty plan and just get a new one that way I can speak with you free for 90 days." He thought that was a good idea as my home probably needed an upgrade to our router because of multiple wireless devices and live streaming." So during the interim I pulled out a router previously used at my office and our wireless internet connection resumed.
On January 3, 2015, after identifying that we had a working modem and faulty router. I contacted the warranty company for the router and was rapidly refunded the full price of the router. The customer service representative stated "do not send us the old router, we don't care what you do with it. Take the refund check and buy you a new router. I know how difficult it is to not have use of your wireless devices. You should have the check in 7 to 10 business days." I was so grateful to God for a smooth transaction.
I continued to look at YouTube videos on how to reconfigure the particular band of router that was inoperative. I was able to get it configured and then a message came: you are not connected to the internet. So the router was emitting a signal, but the internet [i.e. modem] was not connecting with the signal. I decided to contact the ISP [Internet Service Provider]. We discussed all that is previously stated and knowing the inevitable was coming: "did you try to plug the ethernet cord directly into your PC?" My response was yes and I also used another router and I have wireless internet capabilities. "Well therefore, you do not have a problem with your modem or internet service. My response "yes I know, but, most internet providers are no longer using this modem, because it stops communicating with routers and emits a much slower signal. Why are you all still using this modem? You need to offer something better that will keep up with high level routers." I proceeded: I just spoke with another internet provider before speaking with you and they do not use this modem because of a proclivity for compatibility issues. He said "oh we have another modem and we can send it to you at no charge. In fact you will not need a router. The router and modem are built in one. So you can get rid of your router. Stay on the line I can process your order right now."
So here it is all along the gatekeeper [ISP] had the key and I was going through another source [the router] that sometimes worked and sometimes did not work only to return to main source [ISP]. This labyrinth is so reflective of our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Our sources [jobs, health, family, friends...] for all intents and purposes are working well [all the green lights are blinking]. There are a few hiccups that cause us to unplug, reboot and restart. However, when life causes static through an array of circumstances we sometimes will just malfunction. No amount of rebooting, unplugging, or reconfiguring will remedy the situation. This is where we have to return to God and get something "new". We know there is nothing new under the sun, but we see things from a renewed perspective. In 2015, let's put the complicated or big stuff before God our ultimate gatekeeper and allow Him to send people and situations to push us on the path where the lights are green all day long.
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