Saturday, November 12, 2011


Choices, we just love them and whenever we feel our choices are impeded in some way we protest. One of the primary reasons buffet type restaurants are so popular is because the customer gets to choose. Big box stores are also a staple because there's a barrage of offerings that lead to choices. In our bible study group last Sunday, the author of a book we are using for guided discussion made a prolific statement regarding musical virtuosos and Olympic athletes: "they must say no to a thousand things in order to say yes to the destiny that lies before them." Our study group parlayed over that statement for several minutes. As we extrapolated and dissected aspects of our lives we realized things we said NO to determined what we had a choice to say YES to.

Now I am admittedly like Forrest Gump I want to do it all. However, even in my wanting to do it it all, I must still say NO to someone or something. What lies before you? Could you have more choices if you turned off your brain chatter or the soundtracks of those you've placed in your inner circle? Do you even recognize your current choices? Could you be serving as a blockade to you own destiny [predetermined fate ]?

Our world has many choices and many voices; so the question goes forth: What Are You Willing To Say YES or NO To? The choice ultimately is always yours.

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