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Showing posts from January, 2012


Countless songs have been written for years giving credit to another for causing the best character traits to surface. Visit any bookstore and the self-help section has all the answers, methods and techniques to bring out the best in children, employees, managers, and a barrage of additional areas. I have invested a small fortune on leadership books. My passion for being current on styles of organizational leadership and methods of creating team synergy consumed me for years. I also had a small howbeit growing library of books and DVD's on following your intention, passion, and bliss. I became the go to person if your employer, employees, spouse, or children were acting out. I would always end "counseling" sessions with these words: all of your answers are located inside of you. I totally believe if we quiet our minds Holy Spirit downloads all the data we need to help us navigate the sometimes rough waters of life. I am thankful for all the media formats I've been ble


In 2008 I started a faith-based not for profit organization with a simple intention of teaching people how to get re-connected with the person God created them to be. I had no purpose or mission statement everything evolved from Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." Everything fell in place however, I always felt something was missing. We had achieved significant gains in a short time and recognition within the community from more established organizations. However I did not feel anchored. We were doing great things and had the confidence of donors from various parts of the country. Something still was missing. A few weeks ago, I said to my sister "when I really know what I want God will give it to me." I'll decode the message: when I stop going here and going there, doing this and doing that, the core purpose of the organization will rise to the top and everything else will revo


Last year I made a decision to move into the direction of my life's calling. As 2011 entered I was energetic, positive and ready to do the transition work. A few weeks into 2011 I became sick and had to be away from work for two weeks. The day I returned to work my supervisor informed me that he was resigning. The next few months were filled with key employees having unplanned surgeries with lengthy medical leaves. In October I had surgery and joined the ranks of my staff with a lengthy medical leave. While recuperating I became clear on how changes needed to occur in my life. I returned to work in mid December and went through all the festivities associated with the holiday season. Then a little past the stroke of midnight I did it. I wrote my resignation letter to the company I worked with for 28 years. I had a meeting scheduled with my recently appointed supervisor for January 4, 2012. The morning of January 3, 2012 I received a call from a family member complaining of illness.